Dr. Bhargavi Duvvuri is an Anesthesiologist at the Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Visakhapatnam with 4years of experience in offering specialized Anesthesia care. Her areas of expertise and interests are specifically in Regional and General Anesthesia Procedures. She has successfully handled over 20 complex cases so far.
Area(s) of Interest
- Onco-Anesthesia
- Regional Anesthesia
Treatment(s)/ Procedure(s) Performed
- Onco-Anesthesia
- Regional Anesthesia
Treatment(s)/ Procedure(s) Offered
Doctor’s ScoreCard
The Number of cases of Anesthesiology Performed by Dr. Bhargavi Duvvuri in the last 4 years Total: 20 Complex cases
Education & Training
Name of Institute(s)
- DNB from Apollo Hospital, Chennai
- MBBS from Rangaraya Medical College