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3D Mammography
- Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital has an advanced Mammography unit which helps in the detection of various types of breast cancers.
- Our Mammography services are highly cost effective and offer the best treatment options and care for patients.
- Our department of Mammography offers the following services.
- As a screening procedure in patients with no symptoms and in those suspected to have cancer
- Confirmation of cancer through guided biopsy
- Complimentary ultrasound for better results
Advantages of Full field Digital Mammography 2D/3D Stereotactic Biopsy and Vaccume Assisted Biopsy with Computer Aided Diagnostics
(First in our state and 4th in the country)
- Early detection of Breast Cancer
- 27% higher chances of detection of early breast cancer compared to Analogue Mammography
- Less recall rate
- Less observer dependency due to “ Computer Aided Diagnosis”
- Accurate biopsy of the micro calcifications through Stereotactic biopsy
- Complimentary usg for better results

- Interventional Radiology in Mammography
- Full Field Digital Mammogram with 3D Tomosynthesis CAD
- Stereotactic Guided Needle Core Breast Biopsy
- Stereotactic guided vacuum assisted breast biopsy with mammogram/USG
- Stereotactic Guided Wire Localization
- Specimen mammogram after excision to confirm complete removal