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Support Services
Laboratory Services Online
We provide a wide range of laboratory services that are available to patients. These lab services are designed to provide comprehensive procedures for patients at reasonable costs.
Dietary Services
Our dietary services are highly specialized and help us manage and cater to the needs of various patients who are admitted to our hospital. These dietary services are provided for patients by expert dieticians who manage and control the various aspects of the patient’s diet.

Day Care Chemotherapy Services
We offer various types of daycare chemotherapy services that are available for our patients. These daycare chemotherapy services enable the management of various types of specialized daycare chemotherapy treatments, which last from morning to evening. These chemotherapeutic services are highly effective and help enhance the quality of patient treatment and care.
Pain Clinics
At MG Cancer Hospital, we have various pain clinics which are available for patients. These pain clinics help manage the various aspects of patient care and help patients manage their pain and reduce their risk during cancer treatment. Various types of patient care are provided in these pain clinics, and advanced therapies are used to reduce the pain in patients.
Palliative Care
We offer a wide range of palliative care services that are available to patients. These palliative care services are offered by highly specialized doctors who deliver the best patient treatment and care for various types of services. These palliative care services are very famous and are provided for all types of cancer.